This piece explores the tragedy of the Dickason murders. Psychology can help us understand how to prevent tragedies such as this one. But, because parental violence against the young is such a scary field, the help that is available often doesn’t get used. Also, some people in the news media...
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On baby rape
This is an edited version of a 2013 opinion piece originally written a day after a six-week-old baby was allegedly raped by her young uncle in Kimberley’s Galeshewe township. As this happened, matrics across South Africa who were sitting their final exams had to deal with a very problematic...
Bell and Bell: An expose of the Tavistock’s top management and GIDS’ suppression of concern and criticism
When children diagnose themselves “When doctors always give patients what they want (or think they want), the fallout can be disastrous, as we have seen with the opioid crisis. And there is every possibility that the inappropriate medical treatment of children with gender dysphoria may follow a...
Deon Wiggett’s brave act of social activism helps scores of men
Former advertising copy writer Deon Wiggett spent a substantial part of 2019 tracking down and finally getting apprehended the man he alleged raped him at 17. Since Deon’s expose of former media executive Willem Breytenbach another 40 men claimed he sexually abused them. The youngest victim was...
Are we blind to what can potentially be seen as serial killing?
Published on the Facebook page of the South African Psychoanalytic Confederation (SAPC) in February 2020. The tragic death of 13-year-old Enock Mpianzi at the Nyati Bush and Riverbreak Lodge (in Afrikaans Nyati Bos en Rivier Wegbreek; Nyati Bush and River Breakaway if translated literally) near...
Adolescent sexuality
Blaming and punishing instead of guiding and helping sexually active adolescents is an ages old victimising custom which lets parents, other caregivers, family and broader society off the hook. This custom contributes to the continuing denial of infantile and childhood sexuality which needs to be...